Seeking Professional Help for Your Child When Needed

All children normally experience difficulties and issues as they grow up. Some young children may have speech, toilet training, and clumsiness issues. Growing up, they may have difficulty focusing on their lessons and interacting with other children and adults in the school. They may experience sibling rivalry or have difficulty adjusting to parents divorcing or moving to a new home. They may exhibit anger or act out their confusion as they grapple with their issues. Others may act sullen, isolate themselves, or refuse to go to school.

While most children successfully overcome these difficulties as they grow older with some guidance, not everyone does. Some require more help to successfully overcome their challenges. If your child fails to adjust to these new situations, pressures, and expectations, they may experience surging emotions they do not understand. These emotions—fear, hurt, anger, guilt, sadness, etc.—can overwhelm them and make them feel miserable.

If you want to ease their symptoms, help them enjoy their childhood, and provide them a happy and positive view of life, recognizing the signs that your child needs professional assistance is critical. When is it proactive to seek help for your child? Here are a few signs:

Your child’s daily functioning is disrupted.

If your child’s issues are upsetting them to the extent that they cannot perform their usual tasks and live a normal life, professional attention is needed.

For example, young children tend to have separation anxiety or fear of sleeping unaccompanied. If this fear is preventing them from going to school or you from working, you need to act on it. Or if your child’s reaction to your recent divorce is significantly interfering with their development, it can lead to more issues as they grow older.

Seeking professional help is sensible and necessary if the symptoms are intruding on your child’s normal activities. A prompt assessment is important so that your child’s symptoms can be treated as soon as possible.

Your child has an issue that is too complex for them to understand and accept.

Your child’s ability to understand their problems depends on their age and emotional development. If an experience is too complex or beyond their range of normal experience, they will most likely need the help of a counselor to understand it, live with it, or overcome it.

For instance, if your child or someone in the family has been diagnosed with a life-threatening medical condition, it can be a complicated issue for them to understand. Similarly, losing a loved one or pet can be too tragic and difficult for them to comprehend and accept.

A therapist can help your child develop positivity despite the painful loss or experience and face their unique situation. A therapist can also provide you with valuable help so you can support your child.

Your child is exhibiting severe or potentially life-threatening symptoms.

Not every child with an emotional condition manifests severe or life-threatening symptoms, but this is the foremost red flag to watch out for. It is not something to be ignored or taken lightly.

If your child tells you about hearing or seeing unreal or imaginary things, don’t trivialize it. If there are signs that they are committing self-harm or worse, they may be severely depressed and need the help of a therapist. Any extreme behavior is a good reason for them to see a therapist.

Symptoms that indicate a severe emotional condition deserve professional attention. An experienced therapist can immediately assess your child’s symptoms for proper treatment and intervention.

Seek Help for Your Child

When something seems wrong, it is important to know for certain what is causing it. Seeing a medical practitioner can help rule out a physical/medical condition. If your child’s unusual behavior can’t be medically explained, however, it is best to seek the help of an experienced therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services (CCS) in Fayetteville, NC. Remember, there are issues that are best left to professionals.

It pays to be proactive, even when you think the issues are minor. Occasionally, a child’s reaction to stress may become unusually severe. Your first concern is helping your child; if your attempts are ineffective, this could be a time when a licensed therapist’s assistance is justified.

Living with a child with an emotional/behavioral condition can take its toll on the whole family. Thus, it is best to seek professional help quickly. Rather than dwelling on the negative, blaming yourself, or feeling guilty, call Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC, so your child’s symptoms can be assessed immediately and treated promptly.

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