Red Flag Behaviors that Require Expert Help

Even if you constantly keep an eye on your child, it cannot always be possible (or even a good idea) to be a lurking shadow on all of your child’s activities. This is most especially true for his emotions as the brain and body adjust to the fast changes from childhood to adolescence. During these formative years, your child, by nature, may seek more independence and keep their private life under wraps.

As a parent, you would be the first to notice a change in your child’s behavior. All too often, you may not be able to explain how and when it started, and what course of action can be done. You may initially try to manage the entire situation without asking for help whenever your child demonstrates negative behaviors such as dislike for school and depression. These behavioral changes are early warning signs that, aside from your parental care and guidance, you may need expert help from professionals to diagnose and provide effective treatment for your child.

What are Red Flags?

Red flags are alarming behaviors that should cause you to stop, look, think, and even worry. They can be a single or cluster of behaviors that serve as warning for a possible problem in your child. Like other health issues, early detection of red flags can help you decide for a timely action before the child’s behavior gets worse.

Regardless of age, any child exhibits behaviors that range from mild to mischievous, but some actions are red flags that signal the need for expert help. Part of your parental duty is to secure your child’s emotional wellbeing. Seeking expert help when one or more of these specific warning signs manifest in your child, is a step in the right direction.

  • Aggression – It is not entirely typical for older children to express emotions in aggressive behavior considering they already have the faculty to self-regulate and control themselves appropriately. If your child engages in violent behavior, it is a red flag sign that needs professional intervention.
  • Depressive Behavior – Like adults, it’s normal for children to have sad moments at times. However, when your child has prolonged depressive states that persist for weeks and even months, it’s another red flag to mean his condition is something more serious.
  • Body Issues – As your child develops, he may be experiencing some eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Your child may try to hide any negative body issues, but your parental instinct will be at work to notice red flag behaviors relative to his condition. Symptoms such as weight loss, frequent vomiting, and irritability are essential signs that you need professional help immediately.
  • Extreme worry – Your child may refuse to go to school, have nightmares, be irritable, confused, clumsy, throw temper tantrums, be afraid of being alone in a room, or be afraid of many things. It is important to seek help immediately to improve your child’s (and your family’s) quality of life.

Unconditional Love with Professional Help

It is common for parents like you to be under lots of stress as you struggle to manage your child’s behavior problem. You may be uncertain and fearful about where help and support can be obtained. Help is certainly available if you head in the right direction. Call Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC to request an appointment. Seeking help from the right people is a good way to improve your child’s emotional health.

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