Helping Your Child
who is Showing Signs of Depression/Sadness/

As children get older they begin exploring their independence and going to their room more often. While this can be a natural transition, it can become concerning if this behavior becomes excessive and you feel your child  is isolating rather than enjoying time to themselves. Maybe your child is now always in their room avoiding everyone. While some of this can be being a teenager, extreme behavior changes can be cause for concern. 

Just like adults, teens can experience symptoms of depression. Isolating can be an indicator as can sad mood, feelings of hopelessness and excessive hurt. If you notice any of these symptoms your child may benefit from seeing a counselor. 

Acting out and Depression

It can be difficult for anyone to understand their feelings, this is particularly true for children. It can be difficult for them to understand what they are feeling and it can be difficult to express those feelings in a healthy way. Due to this your child may act out. That may mean expressions of hurt, sadness or hopelessness may be displayed through angry outbursts. Negative feelings may also manifest through mood swings, even breaking things and violence. Your child may not sleep or eat well and may even lose interest in things that used to bring them happiness. 

At school, children may act out by getting into fights or refusing to do their work. If your child’s behavior has dramatically changed it is worth exploring with a licensed therapist. 

Helping Your Child

Child counseling can help if your child’s behavior has changed or you are concerned that they may be experiencing symptoms of depression. A licensed counselor can help to assess what is going on for your child and make recommendations for treatment. Together you can target their symptoms and help them to get better. Depression can be overwhelming, but it is treatable. 

Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville Office contracts with therapists and counselors that know how to treat depression in children. Together you can help your child find remission and move forward. Call CCS today to schedule your first appointment.

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