Gripped with Phobia:
What You Should Know About It

Phobias and fears often get mixed up. If you can board a plane and fly, even when you are terrified, that’s likely fear. If you are gripped with such overwhelming fear that you can’t force yourself to get on that plane, or maybe even to book the flight, that’s more consistent with phobia. Phobias can cause intense feelings, even when there is no real danger or threat. They can feel unreasonable or even baseless at times. Phobias are powerful, but you aren’t powerless.

The more you know about phobias the sooner you can identify if they are causing you problems and allow you to get the help you deserve. You can regain control over your fears, therapy can help. 

What is a Phobia?

Having fears is normal; crippling phobias are a different matter. Throughout life, you’ll go through a lot of experiences. Some experiences may be traumatic and overwhelming leaving you with excessive fears. 

Phobia is an intense, persistent and sometimes irrational fear of a specific situation, object or activity. This fear can be overwhelming and can impact the way you live your life. There are a wide range of symptoms that can manifest when it comes to phobias. It may start with mild, tolerable feelings to full-scale panic as you get close to the object, event or situation. 

Physical symptoms may include trembling, pounding heart, intense sweating, dizziness or lightheadedness, agitated stomach, and hot/cold flashes. Emotionally, phobias can leave you feeling powerlessness, out of control and panicked. 

Overcoming Phobia with Help

You can regain control and conquer your fears. Phobias can be overwhelming and powerful but you aren’t powerless. Finding the therapist that is right for you can be the first step toward overcoming phobia.

There are many evidenced based approaches that have been found to be helpful in working through phobias, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of them.  Carolina Counseling Services in Fayetteville, NC contracts with skilled therapists who can help. Call CCS today to schedule your first appointment.

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