What Are the Signs That Counseling Is Working?

How Do I Know if Counseling Is Working for Me?

  • How you feel. Feeling better and being able to enjoy life again may indicate that counseling is helping you.
  • You are opening up to your counselor more and more. Talking and sharing your thoughts with less reservation can be a good sign that counseling is working.
  • You are enjoying your life more. When you are experiencing joy and you are participating in life rather than “hiding” from it, you know you’re on the right track.
  • You are able to accept your limitations. Self-acceptance is a big part of good emotional health. When you know and accept your limitations you can focus on what you like and live life more effectively.
  • You discover strengths you didn’t know you had. Like accepting your limitations, through working with your counselor you can uncover hidden or unrealized strengths. Then you can begin to direct your energies toward those abilities.
  • You begin to understand you are responsible for your actions. This means you don’t cast blame on others and often feel less victimized. You are in charge of your life and when therapy is working for you, you begin to feel this more and more.

    Is the Counselor I Choose Important for Therapy to Work?

    It is very important to choose the right counselor for you, it can lay the foundation for effective therapy. Research shows having a comfortable and trusting relationship between you and your therapist is a major indicator for successful treatment. This can be even more important than the interventions used in sessions. Working with a therapist that you can verbalize and share your thoughts and feelings with can lead to the best results.

    Focusing on building trust is an important place to begin and can ensure further success. It must be a part of the foundation of therapy. Trusting your counselor can increase your ability to open up to them. Genuinely liking your counselor is crucial, because if you don’t trust, like or respect them, therapy will likely not be effective.

    What Are Questions I Can Ask Myself That Will Help Me Measure My Improvement from Counseling?

    1. Is counseling leaving me feeling more optimistic?
    2. Am I starting to see that there are other ways to do things or achieve my goals?
    3. Am I seeing changes in my life that enable me to function better?
    4. Am I seeing some differences in my interactions that help improve my relationships?
    5. Do I trust my therapist?
    6. Has my life changed in a positive way because of my counseling sessions?
    7. Has my perspective changed in a positive way because of my therapy sessions?
    8. Do I feel stronger, more resilient, and more confident as a result of my sessions?
    9. Am I seeing my symptoms decrease or disappear as a result of my sessions?

    How Do I Find a Good Counselor or Therapist?

    Carolina Counseling Services – West Fayetteville Office – Fayetteville, NC contracts with an array of licensed therapists who are experts in their fields. You can find the right therapist for you. CCS is a trusted name backed by many years of experience. With everything that is happening, you have options. Sessions are available online as well! Call today to schedule an appointment.

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