The Value of Regular Emotional Health Check-ups

Most people acknowledge the importance of regular medical checkups, what might it be like if we treated our emotional health with the same regard? Imagine what types of concerns and symptoms we might be able to treat sooner rather than later. Regular checkups can allow for early intervention and prevention of many diseases. The same can be said when it comes to your emotional health. Treating all aspects of your health can lead to greater wellness all around.

A person’s emotional well-being is as valuable as their physical health. Sadly, not everyone sees it this way. Many put off addressing their emotional wellness. It can be easy to stuff painful emotions and traumatic experiences, trying to “just move on” rather than move through. It can be difficult to know where to start with your psychological wellness, so it’s often easier to avoid rather than take a proactive approach. Emotional wellness can be hard to address, therapy can help.

Regularly Check in with Yourself

It can be difficult to know when to check in with yourself, so why leave it to chance? Scheduling regular times to assess how you are feeling and what you need can be incredibly helpful. Take a break. You can check in with yourself regarding goals you may have set, your eating habits, sleep patterns, mood, quality of relationships etc. Whatever is important to you is worth assessing. It can be easy to avoid addressing your emotional wellbeing, don’t let it.

Many individuals experience symptoms of depression and anxiety for a lot longer than they realize, waiting until things become unmanageable before seeking help. This doesn’t have to be you. Delaying checking in with yourself can be risky as it can lead to the worsening symptoms. There are so many negative possibilities when we ignore our mental state. These risks can include job loss, ending of relationships, hospitalization, diminished quality of life, development of long-term physical health problems, higher chances of accidents, etc. This underscores the value of seeking counseling sooner rather than later if you find yourself struggling.

What’s There to Assess?

There is no wrong place to start when you are assessing your mental wellbeing. Perhaps you want to check in regarding a goal or a resolution, we are famous for setting them every January 1st, what was yours? Ask yourself if you are meeting your basic needs. These needs can be so basic we forget about meeting them. It can be hard to make sure you are getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating right etc. You wouldn’t expect to jump in a car with no gas and drive across the country, don’t do this to yourself. You cannot run on empty.

Another place to check in is regarding life changes and stressors. Have you had any major changes such as starting a new job, moving, ending a relationship, starting a relationship, purchasing a home, accidents, retirement etc.? Even when changes are for the better, they can be difficult to adjust to.

Therapy can help you work through these changes and so much more. Here are some concerns that many choose to address in counseling:

  • Family dynamics
  • Job, academics or career concerns
  • Self-empowerment
  • Emotional health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.
  • Marital difficulties
  • Grief and loss
  • Adoption/Foster Care challenges
  • Physical disability
  • Divorce
  • Empty Nest Syndrome
  • Adjustment during life transitions
  • Deployment
  • Anger
  • Stress
  • Aging
  • Trauma

Whether you are seeking counseling as an adult, individual, couple or family, you can gain a much better understanding of your life, your feelings, your relationships, and of other people with whom you interact. Armed with a better understanding, you can identify the roots of what may be troubling you and work toward living a more satisfying life.

Counseling and Emotional Health Preservation

There are challenges when it comes to taking care of your emotional health.

One, regular screenings for emotional health concerns can be easily overlooked when they should ideally become an integral branch of preventive care, just like vision and dental check-ups.

Two, while counseling is becoming more and more common there are still some misconceptions and stigma surrounding mental health. There are many cliche statements that can keep people from seeking help such as:

  • You should be able to deal with things on your own.
  • Just be happy
  • Asking for help makes you weak.
  • Therapy is for “crazy people”
  • Therapy is too expensive

The list of unhelpful beliefs and statements can go on and on. No matter how many there are listed, none of them are true. Asking for help requires courage, it is far easier to just pretend everything is alright. It takes a lot to admit that you need help and seek it out.

Therapy and Wellness

Today, more and more people are engaging in therapy and talking more openly about it. Therapy can help you to address your concerns and grow in ways you never thought possible. Checking in on yourself is so important and the right therapist can help you do far more than simply check in.

Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC contracts with licensed therapists that can help you address where you are and where you want to be. Don’t put your emotional wellness on the backburner anymore. Call CCS – Fayetteville, NC today and schedule your first appointment!

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