Improving Self-esteem – How to Feel Better About Yourself

Self-esteem is a critical component of overall wellness. Healthy self-esteem is important so that you can feel good about yourself, meet your goals, appreciate your talents, skills and achievements. Our level of self-esteem can change throughout our lives. We start to develop our sense of self early, though this changes as we grow. While we have less control over some aspects of our lives when we are younger, as we get older, we have more control over who we are. This includes improving our self-esteem. 

What is self-esteem?

Self-esteem has been described by Good Therapy as “… the degree to which we feel confident, consider ourselves valuable, and respect ourselves, and this greatly affects our well-being.” It is something that continues to develop throughout life. Its levels can range from high to low. Though no specific person/s or event/s can determine its level, one’s family and childhood experiences can significantly impact the foundation of its development. Thus, a person who grew up in a positive environment – loved unconditionally, well nurtured, and valued, may have a better chance of having a healthy level of self-esteem.

Higher self-esteem can give you the confidence to decide and do things according to your conviction, and not by what others believe or tell you. It can give you a good sense of security and courage. You can accept and appreciate yourself better, and that shows in how you carry yourself. With positive self-worth, you can succeed in many areas. Even failures may impact your confidence less, regarding them as mere trials to help you become even more resilient. Healthy self-esteem can assist you in being a leader, an achiever and a go-getter. 

Low self-esteem can leave you feeling inadequate, pushing away potential friends and opportunities. Doubting your capabilities, you may shy away from challenges and fail to reach your full potential. Pessimism can become a constant companion, causing trust and healthy relationships to be a challenge.

How’s Your Level of Self-esteem?

If you tend to focus more on your defeats, setbacks, and weaknesses, and you often blame others for these, you could have low self-esteem. If you often engage in self-criticism and negative self-talk, these are considered benchmarks for poor self-esteem. 

Some symptoms and behaviors that are associated with low self-esteem are “codependency, social anxiety, general anxiety, shame, depression, inadequacy. powerlessness, physical, emotional, and perfectionism,” says Good Therapy. Lacking confidence, you may likely see yourself as inferior compared to other people. You may also perceive yourself to be worthless, unloved, unappreciated, incompetent, timid, and indecisive. Feeling inadequate and not trusting your judgment, you can lack assertiveness. All of these things can impact the way you engage with the world, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. 

Moving Forward with Counseling

It isn’t too late to improve your self-esteem. As an adult, you have the option to move forward and change the way you view yourself. Burdened with pessimism, it is easier to believe that you are incapable and lesser than everyone else. This is what your negative narrative may be telling you, but that doesn’t make it true. 

There are many positive things that can happen when you improve your self-esteem. Don’t let poor self-image continue to deter you from reaching your goals and from having a fulfilling life. As an adult, you have the power to change your life’s course – you can start your journey toward improved self-esteem with the help of a good therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services – West Fayetteville Office. Call today to get started.

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