Emotional Crisis:
What can a Family do?

The family is the social unit that often plays a vital role in the shaping and nurturing of a person’s character and mindset. It can serve as the foundation of a child’s growth and development, becoming ingrained in their personal values, self-esteem, and ability to trust. One’s family can also be a powerful motivator, a driving force that pushes a person to work hard, to be patient, accepting, and forgiving, in order to succeed.

Your family may be where you turn for comfort and protection. Family can be a support, a source of unconditional love and acceptance. Though no family is without its faults, and most will face many challenges. These challenges can bring families together or they can drive them apart.

When families experience trauma or crisis they may not know where to turn. Behavioral health concerns can also cause distress in a family, for example if a family member is experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), emotional overwhelm, etc. It can be difficult for families to build and nurture resilience. Therapy can help.

A Family in Crisis

When we are young we have little exposure to other families, we feel that our family is “normal” and assume that all families are like ours. As we grow up and we are exposed to others we may begin to see differences in our families versus other families. This can be positive, negative and a lot in between. While there is no such thing as a ‘perfect family,’ there are those that face more challenges than others. These challenges can cause families to no longer function in a healthy way.

When family relationships begin to suffer and family members are unable to function at their best this could be an indicator that the family structure is becoming dysfunctional. For example, in a family where one parent is struggling with a substance abuse disorder other family members may be left to take care of their responsibilities as well as their own. This can lead to dysfunction and other problems in the family.

Medical concerns, behavioral health conditions, financial difficulties, abuse, trauma etc. can all impact the health of the family unit. Family members may be impacted physically, mentally and/or socially when the family is suffering.

What Are Signs of Family Distress?

Every family has its conflicts. It is next to impossible to have a family always get along. However, there is a difference between healthy and unhealthy conflicts. It is healthy to disagree, though when things become toxic or abusive there may be cause for concern.

Families have typical defining characteristics that may indicate an emotional crisis, says King University Online. These are: 1) poor communication; 2) drug or alcohol abuse; 3) perfectionism; 4) lack of empathy; 5) over-structured; and 6) excessive criticism. Poor or dysfunctional communication, not talking for long stretches, can cause a great deal of dysfunction.

The consequences of family distress can be complex and far reaching. Individuals may begin to take sides. Family decisions cannot be made, or they’re delayed. There may be awkwardness during family events, potentially causing others to avoid going or to argue while there. This can affect long-term relationships, even of those who are not involved in the initial conflict.

Resolving Crisis with Family Therapy

If the above warning signs resonate with you, you may benefit from family counseling. The Mayo Clinic defines family therapy as “… a type of behavioral counseling that helps family members improve communication and resolve conflicts.

Family therapy aims to identify the stressors that are contributing to the family dynamics. It can be most effective when taken as a proactive measure. While early intervention may be best, it is rarely too late. As barriers to communication are addressed, understanding can be found. In the process, not only are bridges built, love, trust and respect can also be restored.

Family therapy can complement individual therapy as well. Family counseling focuses not only on restoring function to the family, but it also has the potential to transform family difficulties into opportunities, strengthening relationships and provide support.

When searching for a family therapist, look no further than Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC. CCS has independently contracted family therapists who can help you and your family. Call today to schedule your first appointment.

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