Living a Life of Change
after a Loss of Health

A life-changing medical condition resulting in the loss of health can significantly impact a survivor. The end of treatment can be both a time to rejoice and a trying period for family and friends, who may find it difficult to understand the emotional and behavioral changes experienced by a person who has overcome an illness. Though family and friends may feel impacted by the illness, the most affected party would naturally be the survivor due to the possibly debilitating and frustrating changes caused by any life-changing health challenge.

Becoming a Different Person

If you’re a survivor of an incapacitating illness, such as stroke or cancer, there can be many noticeable, bewildering changes in your emotions and behavior. Understandably, you’ve been through a lot. Apart from the physical scars, you may also have emotional scars. You may feel as if you have become a completely different person as compared to who you were before. You may not only be experiencing the loss of your health, but also possibly the loss of your former identity as well. When loss is felt, grief may be nearby.

Surviving an illness may not be the end of the recovery process. During this period, you may feel a variety of emotions, ranging from depression to anger and frustration. These reactions can be complicated by an array of disabilities, changes in customary lifestyle, pain or discomfort, and/or financial difficulties. Such challenges can further be aggravated by anxiety as you become concerned about how to live the rest of your life.

The Choice to Make Positive Changes

While it can be normal to experience emotional upset after surviving a life-threatening health condition, the presence of other distressing feelings could be a sign of a more serious concerns. How you perceive the meaning or purpose of your life can become another source of stress in addition to the threats to your emotions. Your response to health-related stresses may be related to your own perceived role or your believed purpose.

You may not be able to change the status of your heath, however, you have a choice in how you perceive yourself and your condition. Now may be the right time to make positive changes to help yourself feel better and possibly even healthier. You may wish to take this time to look at your life with an entirely new perspective.

Help from Carolina Counseling Services

If you have difficulties adjusting to the changes brought on by your illness, you are not alone and you may find it helpful to speak to a therapist. Although family and close friends may be around to listen, it may be beneficial to voice your concerns to a professionally-trained counselor in order to receive expert guidance, extra support, and a non-judgmental point of view.

Begin viewing your life of change in a positive light with Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC. Licensed, independently contracted counselors can help you to find meaning in your illness and perhaps even have a greater appreciation of life. Call now to request an appointment.

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