Developing Skills for Couples Communication/Resolution to Conflict from the Experts

A quarrel between a couple is a normal part of being together. Couples can be arguing about just anything, ranging from parenting teenagers to difficulties with in-laws and financial problems. It doesn’t necessarily mean that conflict can automatically jeopardize the relationship. In fact, marriage counselors consider disagreements as a healthy element that can actually bring a couple closer to each other, i.e. if you and your partner have communication or conflict resolution skills.

The same is true in the entire family relationship. No matter how closely-knit a family is, conflict is bound to arise for several reasons. Emotions can be highly intensified between members who often interact with each other. Inter-family conflict includes sibling rivalry or perceived parental favoritism. As a result, conflict threatens the sense of harmony and security that the family should provide. Unresolved conflict can cause irreparable damage to a marriage and the entire family if the parents or family members do not seek help.

Your Children Pay the High Price of Conflict

The negative effects of conflict can be most evident in your children. Their behavior often is the most powerful indicator that they are exposed to parental conflict. They usually either act out or respond inwardly. They may demonstrate anger, violent behavior or get involved in gangs. Or they may prefer to isolate themselves from the world, become depressed or exhibit physical symptoms such as ulcers, migraines, etc. The effects of being exposed to high conflict often manifest as problems in school. Your child may even have trouble thinking because the stress hormones released by the brain are affecting his/her problem-solving and abstract reasoning skills.

Marital or familial conflict can be toxic for kids. As right-thinking parents, you wouldn’t give your children a dose of poison each time you and your spouse or family members fight for everyone in the household to see and hear. Yet, when there’s intense unresolved conflict at home, often parents don’t realize how much their children are “poisoned” emotionally and mentally, which can lead to long term issues for them.

Know When Your Approach Isn’t Working

Most families choose to resolve conflicts between and among themselves peacefully. Some are able to settle their differences without any hurt feelings and members even grow closer as they work hard to understand each other better. But, what do you do if despite the apologies and other forms of resolution, your family continues to harbor ill feelings or grow resentful of each other as days and years pass, or members have taken sides to forge alliances just because of conflict that remains unresolved?

A Family in Therapy Together

Don’t wait for conflict in the family to become too hot to handle. When it has become too difficult for you to manage on your own, seek help from the experts. You and your family need therapy that Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC offers as our commitment to help build happier families. At CCS, expect our qualified therapist to employ a personalized approach to not only resolve current issues, but that will help your family develop communication and conflict resolution skills for the future. Call now to request an appointment.

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