The Usual Causes of Child Behavior Problems at Home

Out of the blue, your child starts to exhibit bad behavior at home. Is it a manifestation of some radical shift in personality caused by biological changes? Is he/she being bullied at school? Are there other problems that you should know about? As a parent you want to know what’s causing your child’s behavior to change. Could the defiance or negative behavior be in response to something happening at home?

If your child is exhibiting behavior problems, you may be quick to conclude that it is due to factors external to your home or family. It is important to understand that the family life is the most important and influential factor in a child’s life. It may be possible that the triggering factor/s could be lying close to home.

Creating Conflicts with Different Parenting Styles

This may sounds like a familiar scenario; your child is grounded for not cleaning their room; they are told that they have to stay in said room without television or computer until they do as instructed. You go out to run an errand and come home to your spouse and child totally engrossed in watching a movie together, room left untouched.

Differing parenting styles can be detrimental to your child’s thoughts and behavior, possibly even damaging to your marriage. Like any couple, you and your spouse are bound to have different opinions on some issues, however, for your family’s sake there could be benefit from agreeing on issues of parenting. Having varying messages could confuse and possibly lead to further behavioral issues.

Home Conflicts Can Trigger Your Child’s Behavior Problems

Parents may find it hard to accept that the home life may be contributing to their child’s negative behaviors. Though it may seem unlikely, your child could be acting out in response to a family issue. Marital discord, perceived favoritism, a parent losing a job, and/or sibling bullying or rivalry can all have an impact on a child. This type of behavior could be their way of diverting your attention to unconsciously solve the domestic problem in the only way they know how.

Save Your Family from More Stress

The behavioral issues of your child can be a potential source of stress for all family members. The behavioral issues of one child can impact the perceptions and behaviors of the other children in the family as well. It can also give spouses reasons to disagree and argue, particularly when the two parents have different views on parenting.

Research supports that interventions in behavioral issues like these can be beneficial and it has even more success when it includes everyone in the family. An intervention by a licensed, independently contracted therapist through Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC can assist parents in addressing and working through these problem behaviors. Call today.

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