The Relationship between
Low Self-Esteem and Depression

Self-esteem is your general sense of self-worth or opinion of yourself, which can impact many aspects of your life. Low self-esteem is common among young people who are still in the process of getting to know themselves. Unresolved low self-esteem during adolescence often contributes to poor self-esteem in adults. It may also leave you more susceptible to depression.

Beyond Low Self-Esteem

If you’ve had low self-esteem since you were young, you may be used to negative thoughts and emotions. You may have gotten used to being bullied, staying to yourself, failing, and not meeting others’ or your own expectations. If this has been weighing you down, you should know that recovery is possible.

Many adults who struggle with low self-esteem experienced this from a young age. Apart from its effects on your adult career, relationships, and personal fulfillment, it can lead to other conditions such as depression and anxiety.

The Connection

Research has shown that there is a clear connection between self-esteem and depression. Symptoms of depression can lead to a negative view of self and a negative view of self can lead to depression. It can be a vicious cycle.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, entitled “Adult Attachment Security and Symptoms of Depression: The Mediating Roles of Dysfunctional Attitudes and Low Self-Esteem” (Roberts et al., 1996), concluded that “depletions in self-esteem are directly associated with increases in depressive symptoms over time.”

Lifting Your Self-Worth Is Worth It

Low self-esteem can cause difficulty in all areas of your life. When you see yourself as flawed and underestimate your skills or talents, you can be discouraged from pursuing your aspirations. You may avoid trying to reach your goals and fail to reach your full potential.

Depression is treatable, and so is low self-esteem. Many things can contribute to your self-worth, it can be important to find out what is preventing you from seeing yourself in a positive light. Therapy allows you a safe place to explore your self-esteem and work to improve. Call Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville (West), NC to get started.

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