The Domino Effect of Addiction

Drug addiction is an endemic public health problem that has a global affect, it’s estimated that there are 230 million drug users worldwide. In America, more than 20 million people are current or former drug addicts. Drug addiction harms society in many ways, and is highly correlated with health issues and crime, making it a significant concern for public health and safety.

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that results in a person seeking and using drugs compulsively or uncontrollably, despite the harmful consequences. Initially, it may be a voluntary decision to take drugs, but repeatedly using can affect the brain and challenge the user’s self-control in resisting the urge to continue. Drug addiction is a relapsing disease, which means the brain changes can be persistent that people recovering from drug use disorders are at a greater risk for using drugs again, despite not taking using for a long time.

Addiction Facts that Emphasize the Need for Treatment

Based on a report prepared by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health trend in the use of 10 categories of illicit drugs is as follows:

  • An estimated 27.1 million people, or 10.1 percent of the population, aged 12 or older are current illicit drug users.
  • Approximately 1 in 5 young adults aged 18 to 25, or 22.3 percent of adolescents are current users of illicit drugs.
  • In 2015, 17.1 million adults, or 8.2 percent of adults aged 26 or older, currently use illicit drugs.

While it may be difficult for many to understand the reason why or how other people became addicted, it is more difficult for drug users themselves. Addiction is a complex disease, and it takes more than good intentions or will power to quit. When left untreated, addiction can create many issues that affect the well-being of others, beyond the health and welfare of the drug user. Treating addiction is critical, not only for the well-being of the user, but also for the family and the general safety of the community. More importantly, getting treatment helps the sufferer regain health and productivity in his or her life.

Suffering Emotionally with the Addict

Drug addiction not only effects the individual struggling with substance abuse, but the whole family and community. As a system of interconnected members, the family can be greatly impacted by the domino effect created when one of them becomes a drug user. Using the analogy of dominoes, drug addiction can produce a sequence of events that can negatively impact those around the issue at hand.

Families suffer together when a member becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. It is incredibly painful to see a loved one slip into a spiral of self-destruction. Knowing someone you love who is hindered by substance abuse can put an immense emotional weight on you. As you attempt to help, you can be distracted by thoughts about your loved one’s health and safety, or if he or she knows the harm they may be causing.

The closeness within the family can bring about a variety of consequences and issues caused by the addiction of a member, including:

  • Household stress – Chaos or tension created when a member living in the home uses drugs which can result in a stressful home environment.
  • Financial difficulties – The need to get treatment for the drug dependency may result in a lot of financial stresses. Addiction may also result in the user manipulating family members for money or stealing, to obtain a given substance.
  • Aggressive behavior – A member who is under the influence of drugs tends to be confrontational and may act violently, putting the family’s safety in jeopardy.
  • Legal problems – Addiction increases incarceration rates for various legal offenses, such as misconduct, DUI, possession of illegal drugs, etc. Legal fees and related costs may use up a large portion of the family finances.
  • Health problems – Drug abuse can bring about a range of physical, emotional and behavioral health issues that may involve hospitalization or professional services. Serious health issues, illnesses, or injuries may result from overuse or accidents while under the influence.
  • Neglect – Addiction may cause other family members to develop anger or resentment, due to the attention given to the person suffering. With an addict in the home, the pain and effects of addiction can be felt as the rest of the household feels the pain, frustration of being neglected. The family may separate themselves from each other, in addition to avoiding their usual activities to conceal their situation.

The domino effect of drug addiction can place considerably more financial strain on families than other chronic diseases, for example, the related expenses are known to be costlier than diabetes and cancer combined. One way to stop this cycle of family turbulence, is prevention.

Stopping the Domino Effect of Addiction

Fortunately, there is help for drug addiction. Researchers have found how the use of illicit drugs can affect the brain and have formulated a variety of evidence-based approaches to help people recover from drug addiction and lead productive lives.

Like other chronic diseases, drug addiction can be successfully treated. Research shows that behavioral therapy can yield the best result for most patients. As commonly experienced by people recovering from addiction, relapse can be a risk. Treatment should be ongoing and adjusted to fit each patient’s needs, drug use patterns, response, and the presence of any co-occurring medical, emotional, behavioral or social issue Counseling can be a vital benefit when becoming reintegrated into a healthy lifestyle after rehabilitation.

It is good to note, drug use and addiction can be avoided, especially when families, schools, communities combine their efforts in providing prevention programs. Trends indicate that personal events and cultural factors can contribute to addiction, yet drug use among young people tends to decrease when the harmful effects are emphasized.

The Path to Recovery

If you or someone you love is currently suffering with an addiction to drugs, know that help is available. Keep in mind that neither you nor other family members are purposely trying to cause harm. If there are conflicts and trauma resulting from the disease of addiction, seek professional help for recovery.

Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC contracts independently with experienced and compassionate therapists and they can help you or someone in your family discover a renewed health. Contact CCS – Fayetteville, NC today and begin a path of sobriety and living clean of substances, to reclaim your life.

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