Signs Your Child May Benefit
from Counseling

When it comes to your child’s well-being and their future, your dreams may know no bounds. Having big dreams for your child, however, can be interrupted if you fear that your child may be struggling with an emotional condition. It can be difficult to know if your child is experiencing symptoms of a behavioral health condition if you are unaware of the warning signs. Emotional health is as important as physical health, though problems can be more difficult to detect.

It’s important for parents to realize that “children can develop the same mental health conditions as adults,” according to the Mayo Clinic. Children, as young as infants and toddlers, can experience these symptoms. Behavioral health conditions can significantly impact your child’s overall health and interfere with development and the achievement of their goals. This is why recognizing the symptoms of these varied conditions is critical.

However, emotional conditions can be difficult for most parents to identify. This is the reason why many children don’t get the treatment they need and why their conditions can get worse. This is a challenge confronting many parents, you are not alone.

The Prevalence

The statistics on the prevalence of emotional conditions – depression, anxiety, ODD, ADHD, eating disorders, etc. – isn’t exact as many cases go undiagnosed and untreated. Some references say that about 10 percent of children and teenagers suffer from an emotional condition, while other sources, including the U.S. Surgeon General, claim that the figure could be as high as one in five children or 20 percent. WebMD says that, “nearly 5 million children in America have some type of mental illness.

These statistics could reflect the varying opinions regarding what is considered an “emotional condition” among children. While a smaller fraction can potentially develop into severe cases, it is advantageous for parents to recognize potential signs of emotional conditions. Your recognition of the symptoms may be the first step in getting your child assessed, diagnosed and treated by a qualified professional treatment.

Signs to Recognize

There are many emotional conditions that can affect your child. Some of these are depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorder. Each of these has “defining” or “hallmark” symptoms. For instance, excessive sadness is the most notable symptom of depression. Children with ODD are usually rebellious and disobedient. Those with ADHD can be hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive.

It can be productive for parents to know the different conditions and symptoms, but know that not every child exhibits the usual symptoms. The American Psychiatric Association advises parents to “go with their intuition when they see something is not quite right” with their children. APA also said that, “Major emotional conditions rarely appear “out of the blue.” Paying attention is critical to prevent worsening symptoms.

There are symptoms that are non-specific or non-inclusive. Spurred by a “2001 request by the U.S. surgeon general to develop a list similar to the one created in 1971 to help people recognize the early signs of cancer” the Journal Pediatrics, issues 11 warning signs of emotional troubles among children to guide parents:

  1. Feeling very sad or withdrawn for two or more weeks
  2. Seriously trying to harm or kill themselves, or making plans to do so
  3. Sudden overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart or fast breathing
  4. Involved in multiple fights, using a weapon, or wanting badly to hurt others
  5. Severe, out-of-control behavior in which they can hurt themselves or others
  6. Not eating, throwing up or using laxatives to lose weight
  7. Intensive worries or fears that get in the way of daily activities
  8. Extreme difficulty in concentrating or staying still that puts them in physical danger or causes school failure
  9. Repeated use of drugs or alcohol
  10. Severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
  11. Drastic changes in their behavior or personality

The Challenge

According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), “young children are less likely to get emotional health treatment than their grownup counterparts.” Not knowing how to express their feelings and thoughts, children depend on their parents’ or elders’ when it comes to recognizing when something is wrong. Not every parent, though, is prepared for this, it can be incredibly difficult to identify early warning signs. It may not be easy to tell if behaviors are unnatural or different because there is a tremendous range of behaviors that may be considered developmentally common, appropriate and acceptable.

Parents may also feel that these behaviors are just part of a phase in their development that will soon pass. Parental love may similarly make it too difficult to accept that your child is struggling. Then, there is the concern about what others may say or think. Despite the effort to educate this generation about emotional health and conditions, many people still have a difficult time addressing this.

Helping and Supporting Your Child’s Unique Needs

Young children may not yet have the capability to tell you what they think or feel, to interpret their feelings on their own. They need you to provide them the necessary attention and to provide them the help they need. Without treatment, they may be “labeled and judged,” which can lead to more suffering. These difficulties can be treated and resolved – seek the assistance of a qualified therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville (West) Office – Fayetteville, NC.

Therapy can help you and your child. Initially, their symptoms can be assessed to develop a treatment plan that is right for them. With your love for your child and the expert support of a professional independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville (West) Office, your child can find relief from their symptoms and build a healthy foundation for the future. Call today to schedule an appointment!

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