Reclaim Your Happiness: Bouncing Back from Depression

The first hallmark of depression is intense sadness for over two weeks. It isn’t an ordinary feeling of the blues. It isn’t the kind that you can snap out of without treatment or help from a professional. It grips you stubbornly and persistently, and interferes with your daily life. It can make you lose your drive and motivation to do everyday tasks and to pursue your big dreams in life. It can hurt your relationships. It can make you feel hopeless.

Feeling better and reclaiming your life may not be easy, but it is possible. Depression and its symptoms can be treated with the help of an experienced and trained professional. It may take time to bounce back, but you can get there with positive decisions and steps.

Facts to Know about Depression

  • It is an emotional condition. In psychiatry/psychology, it is called “clinical depression” or “depressive disorder.” According to the National Mental Health Institute (NMHI), there are several possible contributors to depression, “including genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors.” It can happen to anyone, regardless of age, race/ethnicity, social stature, etc. It can make you feel extremely sad, but it goes beyond sadness. Its symptoms can be so severe they interfere with your daily functioning.
  • It is treatable and so are the symptoms. Depression can make you feel hopeless, but with treatment, you can recover. However, waiting for the symptoms to dissipate on their own may only prolong your misery. This has nothing to do with flawed character or weak willpower; you need help from a professional who will assess your symptoms and determine the best form of treatment to help you feel good and functional.
  • It affects individuals in different ways. There are certain symptoms that are common among depressed people, but you may not express every symptom that others experience. The frequency, intensity, and duration of symptoms can vary between individuals. This makes it more difficult to spot depression, especially in children, which is why it is important that you consult a therapist.

The First Step: Seeking Help Early

If you are experiencing the symptoms of depression, there is no need to wait. Take action. The first step is to call Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC. Talking to a therapist is a positive, small step that can help committing to treatment feel easier for you.

Support from loved ones is important, but you need your condition treated by a professional. The therapists independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC, can help you feel better and do what it takes to bounce back from depression.

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