How Do I Set Up my First Appointment?

The fastest way to schedule an appointment is to call (910) 485-6336. If you are on a mobile phone, just touch the number above or you can use the Contact Form below.

Appointment Scheduling for New Clients is Monday-Friday 7:30 – 5:30. Established and Standing appointments are made directly with your therapist after the first appointment.

    Phone Number (required)

    Are you looking for Online Counseling, Face to Face Counseling or both: (required)

    Online CounselingFace to Face CounselingBoth

    Please choose the Service you are looking for: (required)

    CounselingMedication ManagementBoth

    If choosing counseling, please select the type:

    Adult CounselingCouples/MarriageChild CounselingTeen/AdolescentFamily CounselingDepression CounselingAnxiety CounselingOther