Journeying Through Grief
for Parents and Families

Because death is inevitable, everyone will experience the loss of a loved one at some point. Grief is a painful journey, however, healing is possible and it can draw those who have lost a loved one together. It can be complicated for families to grieve together as everyone does this differently. Family counseling can help. 

Accepting Grief

When tragedy strikes, grief does not take a simple, straightforward route. Grief is a normal reaction for parents when they lose a child or for families when they lose a member. More than that, grieving is in fact a process that is necessary for healing. People who do not allow themselves to grieve may be more susceptible to depression or anxiety. When we stuff our feelings, we may also be more likely to react impulsively and even behave in self-destructive ways.

The Pace of Grief

People grieve at their own pace, and there is neither structure nor a timeframe for people to move forward after loss. This makes it sometimes hard to see when grief is running its course or when it has become complicated.

For example, with parents who have lost a child, grieving can be an overwhelming process, and it is often necessary for couples going through this to seek professional help. Some couples are able to find comfort in the presence of their partner, but some are unable to turn toward each other when a child dies.

Finding the Light at the End of the Tunnel

Parents and family members often grieve differently from one another, and it is important for everyone to understand the way each one expresses (or hides) their grief. Some are visibly devastated, some disconnect from others, while some seem to almost callously move on. It is not always possible for a family to support one another in times of loss because each of you is in the same position. If this is not understood by everyone, those who try to reach out to their siblings or their partners for support can meet with a lot of frustration and even be left feeling rejected.

If you and/or your family are grieving, take solace in the fact that you do not have to go through this alone. At Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC, there are skilled and sympathetic counselors who can help you release pent-up emotions, verbalize your feelings, and give voice to the sadness that is consuming you. This is where families and parents can receive the reassurance they need so that they can truly heal and move forward. Call CCS today to schedule your first appointment.

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