When Teens Count Sheep
When Teens Count Sheep
There are important brain and body functions that happen in sleep, making sleep essential for everyone. Getting adequate sleep is exceptionally important for children and adolescents due to all the growth and change they experience during this stage of development. Research shows that most adolescents need to sleep for 9 to 9 ½ hours. Unfortunately, many teens don’t hit this number.
Factors that deprive teens of sleep can include social and school obligations, earlier start of classes in high school, and hormonal shifts that can impact quality of sleep. Many teens also experience insomnia and nightmares that add to further sleep complications.
Teenage Insomnia
Insomnia can cause your teenager sleepless nights. It is a sleep disorder that makes falling and/or staying asleep extremely hard. If you have a child who is showing signs of insomnia, it is important to seek professional help to avoid long-term negative effects.
Insomnia can also be a sign of emotional upheaval, chronic or a major life stress, depression and/or anxiety. These factors can complicate your child’s sleep deprivation and create a pattern that will be difficult to overturn.
Nightmares: Dreading Sleep Time
Having occasional bad dreams or a nightmare is normal. If it happens with such frequency that your teenager fights sleep or tries to stay awake to keep the nightmares at bay, it may be good to consult with a licensed therapist.
Nightmares can be related to negative feelings and thoughts, traumatic experiences, certain fears, phobias or anxieties, a major life transition or extreme pressure from school or family. Nightmares can be overwhelming, however, therapy can help to decrease their frequency and intensity.
Preventing Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation can make your child struggle academically with limited ability to stay focused, analyze and solve problems, as well as recall, absorb and retain information. Your teen can have a weaker immune system and becomes more susceptible to skin conditions, infections and other ailments. It may also leave them feeling cranky and short-tempered.
If insomnia and/or nightmares are keeping your teen awake at night, you can help. They can start getting the sleep they need and deserve. Counseling can be effective in treating insomnia and resolving the causes/triggers to nightmares. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been shown to be effective as well as other evidenced based practices utilized by the contracted therapists and counselors with CCS – Fayetteville, NC. Call today to schedule an appointment.