Going Beyond Low Self-Esteem

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Are you withdrawn because you have a low opinion of yourself? Do you feel frustrated but feel you don’t have the courage to express it? Do you often find yourself unmotivated? Do you pretend to be something that you WISH you were? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be experiencing low self-esteem. 

Causes of Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem develops over time and is likely to be caused by a range of negative life experiences. Unpleasant childhood experiences – abusive home and school environment, traumatic life events, feeling “odd” or different, excessive pressure from family and peers, social isolation and negative thinking patterns – are the most influential factors that can result in lowered self-esteem.

Consequences of Low Self-esteem

Having low self-esteem may not be considered a diagnosis in itself, but can be a symptom of, or can lead to disorders such as anxiety and depression. When you have a poor image of yourself, you may have the tendency to become an underachiever (believing you can’t do anything right) or an overachiever (to prove to yourself and others that you are worth something). It may deter you from completing tasks and taking risks, or you may take too many risks. You may shy away from opportunities that may challenge your faculties and competencies, or take on so much that it is impossible to achieve desired results. All of these behaviors can cause you to “fail” in your own eyes, validating that self-fulfilling, negative view that you will never be “good enough”.

Because of these things, you might fail to reach your full potential in school, work, or other areas. You may also try to avoid social interactions afraid that what you say or do will be criticized or will not be socially acceptable. On the other hand, you may shine TOO much and demand a lot of attention from others because you constantly need their reassurance and praise to prove you are “good enough”.

What You Can Do About It

There are things you can do to improve your self-esteem. Thinking positively about yourself and counting your blessings can help, however, this is really difficult to do when you are feeling negatively about yourself. Giving yourself credit where credit is due can go a long way as well. Again often far easier said than done. 

Focusing on what you have achieved in your life and learning from your mistakes helps to improve self-esteem as well. If you are noticing a pattern, you’re right. All of these things are remarkably hard to do on your own, therapy can help.

Counseling and Self-Esteem

Living with low self-esteem can impact your quality of life. It can lead to depression, anxiety, unhealthy relationships and more. Having low self-esteem is more common than you may realize. Our level of self-esteem can fluctuate through life, which is actually good news. This means that you can improve your self-esteem and start viewing yourself fairly. 

You don’t have to stay stuck in low self-esteem. Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC contracts with skilled therapists who can help you to improve the way you view yourself. Counseling can be remarkably effective, teaching you to challenge negative thoughts and beliefs, allowing you to view yourself in a more positive light. Call CCS today to get started!

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