Finding the Courage to Loosen
the Grip of Anxiety/Fear/Phobia

NIMH records show that anxiety is the leading emotional health condition affecting Americans. It spares no one, affecting children, adults, and older adults alike. There are a variety of factors that may contribute to its development, including personality, genetic predisposition, and life experiences.

The symptoms and intensity of anxiety vary from person to person, but untreated they may get worse. If your anxiety is already interfering with your everyday life, it is critical to find the courage to extricate yourself from its gripping claws.

Why Is Anxiety Unhealthy?

Humans are biologically built to react to emergencies as a matter of self-preservation. This is called the “fight or flight” response, and triggers the release of chemicals/hormones such as epinephrine that make your heart and pulse beat faster, delivering oxygen to different parts of the body to release energy.

There is no doubt that this response developed to help us survive in emergency situations. Anxiety, phobia, and panic, however, can put your body incessantly in “fight or flight” mode even when there is no real danger. This can wreak havoc on your body and emotions.

Facing Your Fears

If living with anxiety is taking a toll on your physical and emotional health, know that there is a way out of that rotten feeling. Facing your anxiety is important, but it may be hard to unravel the underlying reasons for your illogical and extreme fears without help.

You will need courage to break free of your anxiety, but more than that, you also need to be realistic. Self-help, commitment, and support from loving family and friends are important, but they may not be enough. The kind of help you need can come from a trained and experienced therapist.

Tailored Therapy from CCS

Because your issues are unique, your therapy also needs to be distinctive and directed to address your specific concerns. When your therapist creates a treatment program that is personalized to meet your needs, you can face the fears that are holding you back from pursuing your dreams and becoming braver and bolder.

Meet your therapist from Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville (West), NC Office. Call for an appointment. Calling now is the first step to find the courage you need to escape anxiety.

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