Finding Alternatives to Self-Harm

While it can be difficult to obtain exact statistics, it is widely believed that self-injurious behaviors are on the rise with teens and young adults. Self-harm is often done in private and kept secret, due to this, individuals may not receive treatment until behaviors escalate or may never get help at all.

What is Self-harm?

Self-injury includes a long list of behaviors, the most commonly discussed is that of “cutting”. Cutting refers to the deliberate act of cutting oneself to cause pain. These cuts can be superficial, but as the behavior escalates, the individual may make deeper cuts that warrant medical attention.

Some individuals scratch themselves so hard they irritate tissue beneath the skin. This is known as subdermal tissue scratching, and it is another common method of self-harm. Others burn themselves, while others embed objects under their skin. Punching hard objects, banging one’s body against the wall, poisoning, and hair pulling are other self-harm methods that have been observed by healthcare providers.

Reasons for Self-harm

Discovering that your child has been self-harming can be terrifying. You may fear that your teen is trying to end their lives. This actually may not be true. Many individuals who practice self-injury say they do not have any intentions of suicide.

Some people who practice self-injury say they do it to elicit emotions, numb intense emotions, express things they are unable to verbalize, and there are those who say they do it to punish themselves. Beneath this there can be other motivators that drive people to intentional and chronic self-inflicted injury. Self-harm can also be related to self-esteem concerns, domestic violence, pressures from themselves, family and peers, past unresolved trauma or conflict.

Can Counseling Help with Self-Harm?

If you have a child who has been engaging in self-harm, you may be feeling confused and frightened. If you yourself have been self-harming, you may be left wondering what you can do to find other ways to cope.

Dealing with self-harm will require the help and support of a non-judgmental, well-trained counselor. It is a serious concern that will not just go away, but with professional help you can address the underlying reasons for self-harm and find other ways to respond.

Taking the Necessary Steps

Take the first step towards healing and reach out to Carolina Counseling Services. Provide yourself or your loved one a safe place to truly create new, healthy behaviors as alternatives to self-harm. Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC is where you will find the expert support for a safe journey to recovery. Call today and schedule your first appointment.

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