Can your Child’s Tantrums be due to Fear/Anxiety?

It is easy for onlookers to think that children are merely spoiled and undisciplined when they have tantrums, especially in public places. Such behavior is often justified by parents as an outcome of a tiring day or boredom on the part of the misbehaving child. Actually, both perspectives fail to consider the possibility that children who have tantrums may suffer from fear or anxiety.

What triggers tantrums?

Tantrums usually indicate that a child is grappling with emotions they cannot control. Tantrums can be triggered by anger and frustration – emotions that come up when children feel that they are being deprived of something they need or deserve.

Some children who have tantrums may actually be overreacting because of some undisclosed trauma or fear. For example, the child who has a meltdown about not being brought along to a grown-up gathering may actually harbor fears about being abandoned.

Tantrums as an Expression of Anxiety

Another trigger for tantrums is anxiety. Children who have anxiety experience distress that is extreme and out of proportion to a given situation. It is not uncommon for children to have a meltdown at the slightest provocation. The sad thing is, their outburst is often simply dismissed as bad behavior, and the root cause of the meltdown is not explored.

If your child has frequent tantrums about a variety of minor irritants, it is possible that anxiety may be at the bottom of those incidents. Sometimes this anxiety stems from a reason that is not evident without probing and evaluation. For example, children who have undiagnosed learning disability are prone to tantrums when they are confronted by challenges related to a task they find difficult to complete.

Taking a Second Look at Tantrums

It is easier to connect tantrums with anger or poor discipline than it is to attribute them to fear and anxiety. Many believe that children express anxiety by shrinking away from provocations, but many children can react by throwing a fit. This is especially true because, to begin with, children are often unable to understand what they feel.

Getting Help to Turn the Chapter on Tantrums

Your child’s tantrums and meltdowns may be triggered by anxiety, and this is a heavy burden for a child to carry. You can help put an end to these emotional episodes by getting professional help from Carolina Counseling Services – Fayetteville, NC.

Carolina Counseling Services  -Fayetteville, NC contracts with licensed professionals who will work with you patiently. With their support, you and your child will understand and resolve the fears that trigger your child’s tantrums. You are one call away from helping your child conquer the tantrums that take a heavy toll on everyone. Don’t hesitate. Call now!

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